MexCH Guapa, TT

(AmMexCH Guapo, TT  X  VenCH Draco Grace Cony)

Guapa took 1st in the Open Fawn class of 28
at the 2004 American Boxer Club Specialty
under judge Mrs. Stephanie Abraham.
Guapa took RWB at the West TX KC show (#1) on September 24, 2004,
 WB and BW at the Heart of the Plains KC show (pictured above)
on September 25, 2004, and WB and BW at the West TX KC show
(#2, pictured below) on September 26, 2004.
Guapa took RWB to a major at the
Potomac Boxer Club Specialty on October 7, 2004
under judge Mr. W. Everett Dean, Jr.
Guapa takes WB at the La Silla Boxer Club Specialty
on November 11, 2004 under judge Mrs. Dixie McCauley.

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Draco Boxers and Jorge Pinzón

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