CH Taj's Touch
Of The Devil

(AmMexVenCH Draco Bad Boy, TT  X  AmCH Tenebo's Taj Touch Of Violet)
Breeders - Debra A Lugo and Leta A Larson
Owner - Debra A Lugo

Rogue pictured at 6 weeks.
Rogue pictured at 8 weeks.
Rogue pictured at:
11 weeks
11 weeks
14 weeks
Rogue pictured at 8 months.
Rogue pictured at 10 months.
Rogue pictured at 12 months.
At the Umpqua KC shows on August 4 & 5, 2007,
Rogue took WD under judge Ms. Lynette Blue (above) and 
WD/BW/BOS under judge Mrs. Christina Hubbell (below),
handled by Cindy Crawford.

Copyright © 2006-
Draco Boxers and Jorge Pinzón

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