MexCH Vonzel Ramos, TT

(AmMexCH Guapo, TT  X  ECOT Ninel )

Breeder/Owner - Francisco Ramos

Vonzel pictured winning BOB, handled by Martín Agozcue.
Vonzel takes WB and BOS
at the Winter International
on November 30, 2006
under judge Mr. Adrian Aguirre.


On December 1, 2006,
Vonzel took WB and BOB
under judge Mr. Nelson De Soto.

Vonzel takes an AOM at the Azteca Boxer Club Specialty
on February 24, 2007 under judge Mrs. Kim Pastella-Calvacca,
handled by Martín Agozcue.
Vonzel takes back-to-back BOBs at the
Unión Canófilo Mexicano Japonés
shows on March 2 & 3, 2007
and a Group 1st (pictured)
on March 3rd under judge
Mr. Francisco Chapa,
handled by Martín Agozcue.
Vonzel takes BIS at the 15th Regional Specialty held in Guadalajara
on March 25, 2007 under judge Mr. Francisco Chapa,
handled by Martín Agozcue.
Vonzel takes BOB and Group 1 on August 2, 2007 (pictured below),
and BOB and Group 3 on August 3, 2007 at the
Asociación Mexicana de Criadores de Perros Pura Sangre shows,
handled by Martín Agozcue.

Copyright © 2006-
Draco Boxers and Jorge Pinzón

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